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Location: Singapore, Philippines

Thursday, November 10, 2005

waiting for my choice of balance

I can't breathe once again… the heaviness pressing deeply against my beating heart. Where shall I go? There are two paths and one may lead to destruction. But…who knows, it may not. I may never know.

Shall I try and fight? And risk once more? I've been here before.
But this time my heart won't win it all for I prefer balance.
The choice of balance relies on weighing scales: 1mind. 1 heart.1 soul.

Yet discount not the magic of fate, carrying us to wherever we should go.
Etching out my name in that mysterious palette of color & black & whites.
Of proverbial and woeful characters in my on-going storybook

The life plan of this sweet little follower is a spectrum of the candid & uncanny. Breathe me. Stop me from planning and making sure.
Oh sweet dependence of grace, slowing me from my rushing pace.

What a familiar place to find myself once more under the unknown.
This time I ain't crawling. I ran and I walked and I can keep steady.
Wait for me. I still need to discover my stronghold and infallible reliance.


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