Lord, you're more than enough for me
miracle day once again. It's just amazing how God picks us up and shows us things worth knowing. And this day is one of them days.
There are a lot of days when I've shrugged a shoulder to His whisper, calling me back home. I guess, I simply love to "
partttDDaaaay". I'm talking about clean fun here. But still He's right...'it's past 12 and way beyond my bedtime'! I pretended deaf all along. Yeah, I've ignored the whisper. "It seemed too tiny a voice to be Father calling me anywayzzzz",I shrug once more.
Well hear me out now, don't you dare ignore that tiny voice, you silly Billy. It will get louder you know. Maybe next time it's not a whisper anymore, but something that will blow your ears out. Or if that's too extreme, it can be more like strage things happening around you, friends, family, just name it?
I've had strange things happening to me lately. Well for this particular day, I'm glad it's the 'strange' turned into the 'miraculous'. A story of power prayer I suppose. Caught in a rut once again; pails of tears over me; it's like those moments in the movies when a bomb explodes on that seemingly normal day. It's the moment when suddenly the color turns to gray and the scene all of a sudden moves slow... very slow and in disarray. And your just on the verge of going berserk or you just stiffen, not knowing which step to take; where to take it in the first place... you know what I mean.
I'll reserve the details of this strange story for another entry. But point is, I was caught in a rut and well, God saved me. Now let me tell you the feeling when you jump right out of the strange story and into another miraculous scene. It's not a seamless cut to the next episode. But it's another scene set on another place altogether, a happy place this time.
The shock remains, and I'm still a little shaky but
at this point everything's back where you first started, before the bad news broke out; before the bomb fell on you. And now I'm back here once more in front of the computer. God has saved me. He carried me through. I called out to Him with all desperation and humility, "I wanna go back home now Father". I mustered all strength to call out to Him and he was there to listen. My best friend, lover of my soul,my savior, the knight of my fairy tale...
I still feel the aftershock of that shaking. He wanted me to pay attention this time. And now I know, I will be here to listen. Forget the parttdaaaaay! There are a million and one ways to have fun here at home; beside my loving Father.
What story have you got today? It's ok that it's kinda strange coz I assure you it can still be a fairy tale. I love Jesus!!! Hope you do tooo my friend!