~~~~~ P A M c a k e s ~~~~~
Pamela Almeda

My Photo
Location: Singapore, Philippines

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

On the way to Recovery

Thank God!

Today I've realized the answer to my ongoing question. I've been asking myself, "Now that I've become a Christian, why is it that I feel I've become 'worse', experiencing more pain... feeling that life was happier before, without much cares in the world?"
But Rick Warren's message in an interview hit me. I finally found the answer. He said, "God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in making your life happy... The goal is to grow in character, in Christlikeness... You can focus on your purposes, on God and on others because if you focus on your problems, you're going into self-centredness."
And that's what I've become - selfish, self-centred. As if everything is about me.
Now, even though there's pain, I know God is dealing with me. And I thank Him for purifying me. For removing the idols of my heart. He has just removed them. Those things that we place higher than Him, those people in whom we set our hopes or dreams on. They fade away in the saving grace of Christ, who is the one, the only one who truly loves. He is the one who will "never leave us nor forsake us".
I've been proud, angry and I've harbored unforgiveness in my heart because I was mainly insecure, frustrated, stressed and tired. But now, I want to leave that kind of life and I pray that God will deal with the deepest cuts I had and have right now. He is my Healer.
I want to apologize to those I've hurt. Maybe one day, they will read this and know that I seek their forgiveness. I pray that they won't harbor unforgiveness against me so that all of us will be released from bitterness and pain. This time in this new episode of life, I aim to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to be angry.

~ p a m ~

Friday, March 23, 2007

a time to pause

Life is too short to let things pass by.
Every second can actually be a moment you will never forget...
If you strive hard and look hard enough into the intangibles
it may make better sense.

But of course, you'll never know when it can hit you, just suddenly hit you -
that all these things that surround us are actually of no value.
Wealth, money, fame, career, well they may be good but is the race to win really worth it?
It may seem to be ... but until when will one race & up to what extent will one compromise just to win?

Battles of today's modern men are more complicated than it seems.
At the surface we take pride in our unending quest to succeed but deep inside
each and everyone's heart is a longing, a spiritual thirst...
Wandering, as if in a desert, as to where our steps really lead.

A question of life after death, perhaps? Or mere ramblings in our quiet thoughts.
Sadly, in the busyness of our daily business we ignore , or even choose to ignore the
call for enlightenment. I reckon that even for a moment, for that one second, we should pause. Just stop and reflect on the things that have become... so we can Quench the thirst of our spirits longing to be filled.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Hope for the Modern Unrulies

Ode to the Humble

How truly intense...
And sometimes almost bewildering to me
One's poise amidst all wreck
Composure in those moments of solitude and even rage.

A stance which bespeaks of pure control
Or perhaps a-masking of those raw emotions
Intelligence and grace...modernizing our barbaric attempts to survive yet another race
Albeit in fits of treachery and betrayal
Or acceptance in the guise of today's so-called virtue of "professionalism"

What once was true kindness is now blotted with feelings of paranoia
And plagues of these depressed souls: just wanting to climb
up the ladder of their ever elusive heaven of success

But there is hope.

Check thy hearts from the indignant
For there must be reason behind all fancies
Must not thou feign emotion
For sincerity can never run amock,
As in the long crusade of the faitful

Now, faith in the minions of focus, dredging all distractions
Crucify thy lusts and prefer thy humility
For then honor comes to awaken hibernating delights -
The ferver of melancholies and drunkards alike is lost in the revelries of hopeful "bastards"
Whose angelic voices can finally evoke a teardrop
As they are freed from their self inflicted chains and pains

Finally... as though another breath of life has come to pass...

And the reward for delayed gratification has now come.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Thank you

My PR status has recently been approved.
And I just want to thank the Lord for his faithfulness.
Let's just stop and remember His goodness.
Inspite of all our shortcomings He has proven ever so faithful in my life.
That's why I'm here waiting. waiting for the day to come.


Praise Jesus forever!!!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Economics? La ako masabi

Being raised in the Philippines and living in Singapore for 6 years now equips me with a multi-dimensional view of factors shaping economies. To date, the Philippines is still engulfed in what I fondly call “star politics” where the uneducated electorate determines their vote by mass popularity and plain showbusiness.

I am disappointed by the status quo and yet I look at the highly developed country of Singapore where corruption is at its minimum, where multinational businesses thrive, where development has been realized in remarkable rates of progress (a whopping speed of merely 30 years), and yet amidst all these...I see a people greatly under stress, fighting to maintain the top position and craving for freedom.

Will the next generation of governance live up to the standards? How can we achieve the ideal democracy? What is best for the economies of Asia? These are only a few examples of questions that run through my mind, in my daily musings about the highs and the lows of my surroundings.... Oh diba? *feel*

Saturday, June 03, 2006

My Favorite Christian Songs

1. When God Ran

2. I Seek You For I Thirst

3. Mourning Into Dancing

4. Firm Foundation

5. Sure Foundation

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I just came from the theatres and had fun hanging out
with new found friends over X-Men.

It's amazing how much love can be sooo selfless and sooo unselfish
Most people would take what Wolverine did as downright tragic
But I find more truth to his love than in most romance novels elsewhere.

Overcoming the fear of losing is just brave if you look at it.
There are a lot of things I wish to overcome and I will.
For one, the fear of needles and injections.
Second, the fear of heights
Finally, the fear of being alone.

Life is sweeter when you choose faith rather than fear
Independence, freedom, and self-worth.

Looking back to my younger days gives me carefree memories
But I don't want to look back anymore on happy thoughts
I want to look forward to them.

Overcoming the fear and choosing faith. That's the key.
Only two options and one choice.... fear or faith

Let's overcome and choose the road less travelled because there's eternity in faithfulness

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Itchy groove

A relaxing day for me...
Another rainy Sunday
With the cool breeze and the blue sky
I simply like "today".

But what I really miss is dancing
I miss our performances back in high school & college.
I'm thinking of forming a dance club here in Singapore.

Hmmm... you think anyone will be interested?
I mean it's surely better than paying a chunk o' dough
for formal classes....

haiz! Itchy groove!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Another Shady surprise

The prince calms my precious mem'ries
Strengthening every moment passing
Swift and certain as heaven's breath

My future untouched.

The fortune's yet unfolding
Breathless as I wait
Another shady surprise.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

4ward 2ward A craZeeWeeK

I'm bout to doze off
hopin' to get sleepy soon
& I'm thinkin':
"it's gonna be a full hectic monday to wednesday"

We're handling quite a number of projects lately
And I pray that all of 'em be a success!

Counting on my Big Pop Upstairs...

Thursday, January 26, 2006

thursday peak

The world of hearts and dreams of truth.
There's an immense intensity... an icy drop of reality.
Imagine. Create. Love.

Monday, January 23, 2006

I reckon that everyone feels like a dying rose at one point or another... Below is something I've written at one low point of my life. It may make you feel good knowing that you are so much better ---->

I realized that every teardrop is precious. Each drop that falls is literally equivalent to one bad memory, one tragic moment...those that could change our lives forever. These tears are more expensice than diamonds to me because they reveal my deep most hurts and pains.

I am sad beyond fixin'

I am scared and torn, just wishing to dry my tears. If I could only fool myself that tomorrow's gonna be better, that maybe there's still a sunshine waiting to greet me each morning; that perhaps a prince will wipe all my sadness away and bring me to his castle where there are no more tears to speak of.

I am lonely, lonelier than you could ever imagine...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Welcome to the FreeRadiCalZ

My company, CreativesAsia, is working on this upcoming project. It's really big and interesting. It's going to be a 3d animation all about a teenage band. To be part of the production for this project would surely be very exciting... can't wait!

Anyway, I will give you guys more updates on the production and all at this site.... http://freeradz.blogspot.com/

I hope you check it out! And do leave some comments as I bring you in the adventure of this production! thanks a million gazillion! Hope to hear from you on how we can improve the freeradicalz project!


Monday, December 05, 2005

it's starting to interest me

I want to learn photography. More than capturing the moment, i want to paint that intense feeling with every click. Since I love poetry, I'd like to let my images speak out vivid words.

Monday, November 21, 2005

The glory of an orange

It is said that the glory of an orange is in its juice!
Cut open. Apply pressure. And squeeze.

Isn't it just the same with people?

With every calamity, a hero stands out
Under pressure, strong character is built
And in times of sorrow, hope is born

Truly, the glory of a man is found within.
Not in the shape of their nose, nor the color they hold.
Not on the teeth they bare, nor the clothes they wear.
Not on how much money they carry, or who they marry.
These things will never determine one's glory.

Glorious Glory is found within.
It is in the loving heart of one who cares and shares
It is in the precious soul of one who forgives and is forgiven
It is in the single-minded who pursues wisdom and understands
It is in the holy spirit of one who is determined to please the Lord.

The glory of men is like the glory of oranges
You have to cut, squeeze and work them under pressure
Before you see the innate beauty they hide within...
That glorious yummy kind'a goodness!

...That Glorious Glory of Oranges!

(inspired by yesterday's sermon in church)

Thursday, November 10, 2005

waiting for my choice of balance

I can't breathe once again… the heaviness pressing deeply against my beating heart. Where shall I go? There are two paths and one may lead to destruction. But…who knows, it may not. I may never know.

Shall I try and fight? And risk once more? I've been here before.
But this time my heart won't win it all for I prefer balance.
The choice of balance relies on weighing scales: 1mind. 1 heart.1 soul.

Yet discount not the magic of fate, carrying us to wherever we should go.
Etching out my name in that mysterious palette of color & black & whites.
Of proverbial and woeful characters in my on-going storybook

The life plan of this sweet little follower is a spectrum of the candid & uncanny. Breathe me. Stop me from planning and making sure.
Oh sweet dependence of grace, slowing me from my rushing pace.

What a familiar place to find myself once more under the unknown.
This time I ain't crawling. I ran and I walked and I can keep steady.
Wait for me. I still need to discover my stronghold and infallible reliance.

Saturday, November 05, 2005


The filmmaker, like his fellow artists in differentmedia, has now realized that the artist is also apublic person. He does not work in isolation fromsociety. Instead of working alone in his ivory towerthe is a citizen of the slums, of the streets, of thebattlefield if need be. The artist is always aparticipant. He tries to be true not only to his craftbut also to himself. For it is the supreme duty of theartist to investigate the truth, no matter what forcesattempt to hide it. And then to report it to thepeople, to confront them with it, like a whiplash thatwill cause wounds but will free the mind from thevarious fantasies and escapist fare that theEstablishment pollutes our minds with.To the best of our abilities, and even if weoftentimes fail, we want to do works that will hurt,films that will disturb, films that will not make yourest. For the times are really bad, and given timeslike these, it is a crime to rest. We can not rest,and we should not, while theres a fellow Filipinostarving in Negros, an Aquino or Galman crying for garbage while a corrupt family rules the countrywithuncontrolled power and wealth. While it is the dutyofthe artist to work for what is true, good, andbeautiful, first we have to expose and fight what iswrong.In these times when most of the media hide thetruthfrom us, when most of what we get from themedia aresilly gossip and petty flesh and sensationalizedcrimes, we go to the streets to find out whatshappening. We listen to those artists who dare risktheir lives and livelihoods, who reiterate once morethe utmost duty of the artist --- that the artist is acommitted person, that he will always take theside ofaany human being who is violated, abused,oppressed,dehumanized whatever his instrument ---the pen,thebrush, or the camera."

- Lino Brocka Artist as Citizen

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Herein-Within : my first attempt on cheezy chapters

I can't believe I've found you..finally, in this cold city.
Living uncertainly for years, and now I'm alive again as if the first time.
Yes, I believe life can't be colorful without love. I have always believed in this.
And yet as much as my faith was, there remained a deeper longing.


Rather, a love far-reaching than just two souls
A union more moving than empty melodies

Calming me, with your sweet songs and your pure innocent heart
What do you know? But make me smile, and make me sing and dance.

Whether, you and me herein-within...
Such is my shelter in you, without fear.

A new, is friend, as all takes us in better form.
Bypass our past, and shadows gleam, for darkness has its way towards the light.
Ever wheeling my fortunes and delights.

End me. You steer me away from such melancholies.
Fancy you and me once more, herein-within, endlessly forever.


Carry me now, and swiftly...we'll reel our dreams.
For in your confidence I am safe.
In your love, eternally protected.

What light and strength have you whenever I'm dazed and unknown.
Thank you for letting me shine, for letting me soar and now,
light as a feather I feel free as your gentle wind blows me high....Serene and Lovely.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


id like to love u... like the truth that will not falter, like that instant moment of feeling beautiful. like id like to love u that way.

Thursday, October 27, 2005


I had a 2 week project in Singapore as a writer / producer.

The 2 week project reinforced things I've already believed in.

It also carved new insights and ways of learning:

~That life is more than earning dough; that life is fuller with people
around; that relationships do come and go so quickly if you're not on
guard; that a little charm can make a big leap; that one destination
can extend to another; that the heart can be foolish as the mind can
be wise; that balance is essential; that there is a better way to lead
and that is to care for the people working for you; that a lot of
laughter make up for sleepless nights and "bathe-less" days; that
there is always someone up there to thank for all the blessings; that
amidst the busy schedule and fast paced life of this modern day, we
must not forget our spirits hungry to be nurtured…."for what good it
is if we gain the whole world but in the end lose our soul!"
